About Us

Our Congregation:
Organized over 90 years ago, St. Paul Lutheran is a lot like a Caragana bush: deep rooted, drought tolerant, and hard to kill! Once this church flourished in the days when the countryside was filled with young families, but times have changed in this agricultural area. Farms are now huge and farmed with large machinery, unlike the small family farms of long ago. The average age of farmers in this country is now over 60, and that is reflected in our church. We are smaller than we once were, and older, but we are still on fire for the Lord! We want to share the good news of Jesus with everyone we can, and so grow in love as we grow in numbers! 
About Pastor Steve:
Pastor Steve Forbes comes to us after serving parishes in Preeceville, SK, Delta, BC, and the two-point parish of Hanley and Hawarden, SK. It is his dream to take the good news of Jesus Christ out of the church and into the community. Faith was never meant to be just a Sunday morning thing- God wants us to live for others every day!
Pastor Steve is an easy-going guy, down to earth, with a style of preaching and worship that is less like a performance and more 'from the heart'. He's available for counseling or just to chat most time throughout the week. Pick up the phone and give him a call, or drop him an e-mail at evangelicalsteve@yahoo.ca
home: 306-967-2510, cell: 306-460-1100 
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